Jesus Shows His power over death

Jesus Shows His power over death

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 5 is covered!

A Testimony

Thank you to those of you who stepped forward at the last minute to pray and fast this week.  We so appreciate you.  It's been quite a learning experience for Ellen and myself as we help coordinate this time of fasting. 

This fast began with a series of confirmations from several people who were feeling the need for a fast for Terence.  It's seems the Lord orchestrated the timing for it as well.  As we prayed about details the Lord gave Ellen several specifics as to how she was to fast the first week and what the other optional fast looked like. 

We assumed that these were to be the fasts everyone else was to follow.  A couple people wrote and explained their difficulties in finding organic vegetables and fruits, health issues, or other things that hindered them from completing this fast.  This last week we stepped back, thinking about this, and realized that for us to say there are only two types of fasts to choose from would be overly religious.  God was using others in the body to correct us.  The Lord gives us each a measure of faith and as a body we're not to judge each other. The point was not doing a specific fast so much as it was to follow the Holy Spirit's leading as we intercede on Terence's behalf.    We've been relying on the Holy Spirit to show us what to do next.  If someone cannot complete either of the two fasts suggested because of a legitimate reason, we're confident that if they fast as they are able and lead by the Lord, then God will honor this step of faith just as much.

It's been beautiful to see how God is teaching us to work together.  So often there is discord among members of the body where one part is attacking another part.  It's almost like a cancer in the body of Christ.  But we're learning that as we humble ourselves and submit to one another and accommodate for each other according to each one's faith that we begin to work together.  It brings about the work that God wants us to do (which in this case is breaking through for the healing of cancer). 

Thank you again for each of you that has contributed your piece.  God is doing such a huge thing here. It is bigger than we realize.


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