Jesus Shows His power over death

Jesus Shows His power over death

Friday, September 10, 2010

Testimony from week 1 fasting

A Time Of Fasting
by Ellen

Early in the summer of 2010 I awakened several mornings with a profound sense of burden for my brother and friend Terence Lutrell. During this season the Lord was also speaking to me about a time of fasting. I knew that he was calling me to fast beyond what I have been capable in my past years as a believer. I have had a growing hunger for the Lord and didn’t put together the idea of a fast for Terence’s healing at first, but as time passed it came clear to me what the Lord was speaking to me.

I attempted to do a three day fast of water only, but by the third day my body became ill with nausea and dry heaving. I asked the Lord what to do and he instructed me to eat limited for the final day. I was so discouraged because I have never been able to break through more than two days of a water only fast in my entire life as a believer.

The Lord then began to speak to me of a detoxification fast where I would eat only organic fruits and vegetables for three days, change to juices only the fourth day and water only for the three final days. This fast was to be primarily to seek him for restoration and healing on behalf of Terence. I had a sense that others would be called to fast, but that I was obey the Lord on this and trust him that he would bring about a corporate fast through others. This word was given to me sometime in July, but I knew I was to wait on the timing.

In mid August, the Lord put on my heart the date to begin the fast. I had a sense that it would be around the time of the ending of Terence’s clinical trials although I didn’t have an idea when that would be. I also wanted to set aside a week that I knew, I would have extra “down” time to make prayer for him the primary focus for the week.

With the Lord’s help, I scheduled Monday, August 23, through Sunday the 29th, a full 7 day period of fasting. I strongly felt led to invite some people to pray for me during this period of time because of the intensity of the campaign. I asked the Lord also to hand pick those people and he led me to ask three trusted women and a young man. They all accepted.

I didn’t know how, but I had a strong faith that I would break through the illness barrier. Up to this point, I had not spoken to Sherry or Terence about any of this. The Lord spoke many things to me and on the second day, I received an email from Sherry that the Lord was bringing people forward who were sensing a time to fast. Some of them who visited them were my children, Cory, Elizabeth and Matt. I rejoiced at this confirmation and responded to Sherry.

The next day I called Beth and as we talked, the Lord began to reveal much of the strategy for this season of fasting on Terence’s behalf. One of my prayer partners was sending me confirming words as we were all hearing the same things.

A particular word that kept coming forth was to war from a “place of rest”. So I quite literally would lay flat on my back on the floor or on the couch. The Lord showed me that to pray from the position of lying on your back is to be vulnerable or “to be made bare” in the presence of the Lord. It also signifies resting.

I daily felt the grace being poured out to be strong. After midnight going into day six, I awakened to that “sick” feeling in my stomach that I had experienced before. I got up and ran to the bathroom retching. I lay on floor and cried out to the Lord. He instructed me to take communion using red wine instead of juice. I commanded my body to come into alignment with the word of the Lord. I then was able to get to the kitchen and put communion together.

I took the items into the living room where I pray. I prayed and as I ate, my throat was so parched I choked down the bread. As I took the wine, I immediately felt strength enter my body. I laid before the Lord awhile and prayed for Terence. I then felt released to return to bed. When I awakened the next morning, I knew I had “broken through”. The Lord then instructed me to take communion in the same way in the evening of day six and seven.

Before bed that evening, I took communion again. In the same way, the bread tasted horrible as I choked it down. This time as I took the wine, it burned so painfully I could hardly swallow it. I asked the Lord what was going on and received no word, so I lay before him and continued in prayer for Terence.

The next morning on day seven, I had mentioned to my prayer partner about this disturbing occurrence and asked her to pray. During worship she leaned over to me and asked if I had ever been force fed as a child to which I instantly recalled a childhood memory of being left in my chair at the table until I ate everything on my plate. I began to weep. She spoke that perhaps my body was choking down the bread because of the memory of choking down food I could not stomach as a child.

That evening at home as I prepared to take communion, my prayer partner came to my door bringing organic fruit for me to break the fast with after midnight. I invited her to join me in communion and pray for Terence. As we prayed and partook of the bread, the most amazing thing happened. For the first time, it tasted wonderful and when I partook of the wine, I noticed there was no pain or burning of any kind in my throat.

My friend and I rejoiced together for the healing of the body and blood that covers all sin. And the Lord revealing/ healing a past hurt that was buried in my subconscious mind. We also rejoiced for the healing of Terence’s body.

For a short time, we share in the suffering and identify with Terence as we fast, but we also share in the healing and our spiritual senses are heightened as the flesh comes into submission to the Holy Spirit. May the grace of the Lord be poured out on every one of you who enter into this season of fast for our brother Terence and MAY THE GLORY OF THE LORD RISE AMOUNG US!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellen~
    a great testimony, and how this encourages us. Thank you.
