Jesus Shows His power over death

Jesus Shows His power over death

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 4 begins today

We are almost half way through this 7 week fast.  We've seen warfare here and there, but more than that it seems that God is calling us to a place of resting and standing in him as we pray and fast.  Yesterday I had a fellow intercessor remind me that God raised us up with Christ and seated us in heavenly realms in Christ (Eph 2:6).  Also since we have been raised with Christ we are to set our hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1). She reminded me that though there is a battle, we are seated up above with Jesus, looking down at all the fighting of the kings of the earth below. God presides over all and rules over all.  We are to ask the Holy Spirit to adjust our view and how we are looking at what is going on.  Lord, open my eyes that I may see your glory and truly understand what you are doing and how I play into everything.

I want to encourage each of you that during your time of fasting to have at least one or more intercessors praying for you.  They should carry their prayers at least a day past the end of your time of fasting, praying that you will be shielded from any backlash.  And if backlash happens, simply push it back and strongly declare, "no" in the name of Jesus.  Over the last week I was fighting this nagging chest cold and lost my appetite and at times felt nausea.  When I told a friend of mine who was praying, she simply rebuked any attempt from the enemy and said, "no, we do not accept this" in the name of Jesus.  I went home and immediately began feeling better. Today I feel great. We are definitely working together as a team and a body on this one.  We need each other. 

I bless you to see clearly, correctly and from the view point of being seated with Christ in heavenly places.  I bless you to war from a place of resting in Him.  You are so appreciated!


  1. Sept. 21.10
    We had a very difficult week (last week)- I am so grateful to know people have been praying. We sense breakthru has come though.

    Tonight Terence is resting, we are preparing to leave for Chicago on Friday (visit Eric) and then home to Hawaii for one month. We are hoping we can find some rest there. Terence has 1 month off from clinical trial visits, but will still be on daily treatments (which has begun to make him sick- similar to chemo reactions. Thank you for your prayer and committment.
    Love you all.

  2. I am so blessed! So many of you committed to intercession for my healing. I am filled with faith, knowing that God's ear is not deaf to hear, nor His arm to short to save.

    Thank you, each and every one! We all look forward to great reports!
