Jesus Shows His power over death

Jesus Shows His power over death

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Dream

Last Sunday, I had a dream in which Terrence and Sherry were sitting somewhere. I came from behind them to inquire of his health. He turned to me and said "it's gone!" "I am well." I believe there is great work to be done for him and thank the Lord God for his healing power. Let all the glory be to Him!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 5 is covered!

A Testimony

Thank you to those of you who stepped forward at the last minute to pray and fast this week.  We so appreciate you.  It's been quite a learning experience for Ellen and myself as we help coordinate this time of fasting. 

This fast began with a series of confirmations from several people who were feeling the need for a fast for Terence.  It's seems the Lord orchestrated the timing for it as well.  As we prayed about details the Lord gave Ellen several specifics as to how she was to fast the first week and what the other optional fast looked like. 

We assumed that these were to be the fasts everyone else was to follow.  A couple people wrote and explained their difficulties in finding organic vegetables and fruits, health issues, or other things that hindered them from completing this fast.  This last week we stepped back, thinking about this, and realized that for us to say there are only two types of fasts to choose from would be overly religious.  God was using others in the body to correct us.  The Lord gives us each a measure of faith and as a body we're not to judge each other. The point was not doing a specific fast so much as it was to follow the Holy Spirit's leading as we intercede on Terence's behalf.    We've been relying on the Holy Spirit to show us what to do next.  If someone cannot complete either of the two fasts suggested because of a legitimate reason, we're confident that if they fast as they are able and lead by the Lord, then God will honor this step of faith just as much.

It's been beautiful to see how God is teaching us to work together.  So often there is discord among members of the body where one part is attacking another part.  It's almost like a cancer in the body of Christ.  But we're learning that as we humble ourselves and submit to one another and accommodate for each other according to each one's faith that we begin to work together.  It brings about the work that God wants us to do (which in this case is breaking through for the healing of cancer). 

Thank you again for each of you that has contributed your piece.  God is doing such a huge thing here. It is bigger than we realize.


Sunday, September 26, 2010


Over the last several weeks the Lord has been leading me to Ps 70-77. The general theme in these psalms is that during the suffering, anguish and questioning that goes along David never, never gives into it. He is determined to give praise to the Lord and trust in Him.
This morning I was led to Ps 77. This one He sends me to most often! Today he brought my focus to vs 19 “Your path led through the sea, your way through mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.”

I was reminded of Job and the Mighty right hand
of God. Yes he suffered and went through much
anguish, but oh the blessings that came in the end!!

Not only are we determined not to give in, but the Lord is very determined and faithful to bless Terence!!

Let's continue to declare that we will rest and trust in the Lord to deliver and bless.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


While we were praying for Terence we felt like the Lord was saying "restoration of heritage" so we did a little word search and discovered that it is in the verse "no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me, declares the LORD."  So we are praying that the heritage of victory will be restored as well as the heritage of a long life.
Sam and Karie

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 4 begins today

We are almost half way through this 7 week fast.  We've seen warfare here and there, but more than that it seems that God is calling us to a place of resting and standing in him as we pray and fast.  Yesterday I had a fellow intercessor remind me that God raised us up with Christ and seated us in heavenly realms in Christ (Eph 2:6).  Also since we have been raised with Christ we are to set our hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1). She reminded me that though there is a battle, we are seated up above with Jesus, looking down at all the fighting of the kings of the earth below. God presides over all and rules over all.  We are to ask the Holy Spirit to adjust our view and how we are looking at what is going on.  Lord, open my eyes that I may see your glory and truly understand what you are doing and how I play into everything.

I want to encourage each of you that during your time of fasting to have at least one or more intercessors praying for you.  They should carry their prayers at least a day past the end of your time of fasting, praying that you will be shielded from any backlash.  And if backlash happens, simply push it back and strongly declare, "no" in the name of Jesus.  Over the last week I was fighting this nagging chest cold and lost my appetite and at times felt nausea.  When I told a friend of mine who was praying, she simply rebuked any attempt from the enemy and said, "no, we do not accept this" in the name of Jesus.  I went home and immediately began feeling better. Today I feel great. We are definitely working together as a team and a body on this one.  We need each other. 

I bless you to see clearly, correctly and from the view point of being seated with Christ in heavenly places.  I bless you to war from a place of resting in Him.  You are so appreciated!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Psalm 71

by Cory

God has been speaking to me lately about praising him and remembering his testimonies, even to the point that this whole month is dedicated to hearing testimonies from different people in youth group, which by the way God told us to call  "Shine" as Isaiah tells us to "Rise and Shine..."

Today I was led to Ps 71 and as I read I kept in mind the various verses that tell us to ask (Matt 7:7, Jn. 15:7).  Here in this passage David was asking... so now we take his askings and prophetically declare them over Terence according to Psalm 71:

In You oh Lord does Terence take refuge; He shall not be put to shame! In your righteousness you are delivering Terence and rescuing him, as you incline your ear to to him and are saving him!  You are a rock of refuge, to which he continually comes; you have given the command to save him, for you are his rock and fortress.  You, O Lord are Terence's hope, his trust, as you have been from his youth.  Upon you he has leaned from before his birth, His praise is continually of you.  His mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day.  You will not cast him off in the time of old age; you will not forsake him when his strength is spent.  We declare that any accusers Terence may have that have said that God has forsaken him would be put to shame. Terence will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more.  His mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day.  With the mighty deeds of the Lord God, Terence will come and remind others of your wondrous deeds.  So even to his old age and gray hairs, O God, you will not forsake him, until Terence proclaims your might to another generation, your POWER to all those to come.  Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens.  You who have done great things, O God, who is like You.  You who have made Terence to see many troubles and calamities are reviving him again; from the depths of the earth you are bringing him up again.  You are increasing his greatness.  Terence's lips shout for joy, when he sings praises to you; his soul also, which you have redeemed.  His tongue talks of your righteous help all the day long, for they have been put to shame and disappointed who sought to do him hurt.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Isaiah 46

from Cory

I was led to Isaiah 46 for Pastor T just now and marvel at the goodness of God.  I praise God for Pastor T's healing and for the many promises that he has received, one of which is that he will live until a ripe old age, to see his grandkids kids and many more elk shot and fish caught (I just made that one up, but I think that it is prophetic :)

"Listen to me, o house of Jacob, all you who remain of the house of Israel,
you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since
your birth.  Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will
sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry  you; I will sustain you and I will
rescue you" Is 46:3-4
"Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.  I make known the end from the beginning, from
ancient times, what is still to come.  I say: My purpose will stand, and I will
do all that I please... what I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned
that will I do" vs 9-10, 11b

Father, You are God and there is no other.  We thank you that your word accomplishes that which it is sent forth to do.  I thank you for the promise of a long life for Pastor T and that your purposes will stand for his life and for his marriage, his family, and friendships.  We declare long life, wholeness, completeness, health, vitality, normal PSA levels, and testosterone levels. You are God who sustains him, You carry him, and You rescue him, according to Your word.

Word to declare for this week

From Kerry

As I began this week of prayer and fasting I was immediately led to Psalm 41 and have been declaring it for Terrence.

Psalm 41:1-3

Blessed is he who considers the poor (helpless or powerless);
The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.
2 The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive,
And he will be blessed on the earth;
You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.
3 The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness;
You will sustain (restore) him on his sickbed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Promises to meditate on and declare

John 14:12

"...whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do because I go to the Father."

Gal 3:22b
" that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe." 

Mark 5:36
"Don't be afraid; just believe."

Mark 11:24
"Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

Galatians 3:13
"Christ has redeemed us (Terence) from the law by becoming a curse for him."

Mark 9:23
"Everything is possible for him who beleives."

Isaiah 26:3-4
"He will keep in perfect peace(Shalom*) him whose mind is stayed on the Lord."
*Shalom (Hebrew) = safe, well, welfare, good health, prosperity, peace, favor

Psalm 103:2-5
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your (Terence's) diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you (Terence) with good things so that your (his) youth is renewed like the eagle's. 

A Good Reminder

Hebrews 10:23

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful!"

Remember there is power in our words and what we confess.  How we talk about obstacles and mountains in our lives on a daily basis will truly reflect what is in our hearts (whether we believe God or not).  All things that come out of our mouths must line up with what God has said and what we are praying for.  I encourage you today to proclaim out loud the promises and words God has given you.  He is faithful.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Psalm 23

Psalm 23 was the scripture for Bible study this week.  I think that is no accident.  We are standing and believing with you all for the Kingdom of heaven to come for Terence and his family.  We agree for psalm 23.

Today Begins Week 3 of Fasting

Thank you to all who are committing to pray and fast this week or pray to support someone who is fasting.  Keep us posted on what you are seeing, hearing or sensing.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Breaking Through

Sent from Matt & Amy on Sept 6:

We encountered some personal warfare at 3:40 am this morning. In praying in that, the Lord showed us how to pray for Terrence also.  We are declaring the name of Jesus, the Name above all names, over Terence and cancer. Also declaring what is written about Terence in the word - that he is a son of the living God, that no weapon formed against him will prosper, that God will never leave or forsake him, that we are delivered by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony - just to mentiond a few things.  

Sept 9:

We continue to pray the blood of the lamb over Terence. I believe the wonder working power of the blood of the lamb will bring healing to every area of Terence's life.
He has done the work we must Believe!

Testimony from week 1 fasting

A Time Of Fasting
by Ellen

Early in the summer of 2010 I awakened several mornings with a profound sense of burden for my brother and friend Terence Lutrell. During this season the Lord was also speaking to me about a time of fasting. I knew that he was calling me to fast beyond what I have been capable in my past years as a believer. I have had a growing hunger for the Lord and didn’t put together the idea of a fast for Terence’s healing at first, but as time passed it came clear to me what the Lord was speaking to me.

I attempted to do a three day fast of water only, but by the third day my body became ill with nausea and dry heaving. I asked the Lord what to do and he instructed me to eat limited for the final day. I was so discouraged because I have never been able to break through more than two days of a water only fast in my entire life as a believer.

The Lord then began to speak to me of a detoxification fast where I would eat only organic fruits and vegetables for three days, change to juices only the fourth day and water only for the three final days. This fast was to be primarily to seek him for restoration and healing on behalf of Terence. I had a sense that others would be called to fast, but that I was obey the Lord on this and trust him that he would bring about a corporate fast through others. This word was given to me sometime in July, but I knew I was to wait on the timing.

In mid August, the Lord put on my heart the date to begin the fast. I had a sense that it would be around the time of the ending of Terence’s clinical trials although I didn’t have an idea when that would be. I also wanted to set aside a week that I knew, I would have extra “down” time to make prayer for him the primary focus for the week.

With the Lord’s help, I scheduled Monday, August 23, through Sunday the 29th, a full 7 day period of fasting. I strongly felt led to invite some people to pray for me during this period of time because of the intensity of the campaign. I asked the Lord also to hand pick those people and he led me to ask three trusted women and a young man. They all accepted.

I didn’t know how, but I had a strong faith that I would break through the illness barrier. Up to this point, I had not spoken to Sherry or Terence about any of this. The Lord spoke many things to me and on the second day, I received an email from Sherry that the Lord was bringing people forward who were sensing a time to fast. Some of them who visited them were my children, Cory, Elizabeth and Matt. I rejoiced at this confirmation and responded to Sherry.

The next day I called Beth and as we talked, the Lord began to reveal much of the strategy for this season of fasting on Terence’s behalf. One of my prayer partners was sending me confirming words as we were all hearing the same things.

A particular word that kept coming forth was to war from a “place of rest”. So I quite literally would lay flat on my back on the floor or on the couch. The Lord showed me that to pray from the position of lying on your back is to be vulnerable or “to be made bare” in the presence of the Lord. It also signifies resting.

I daily felt the grace being poured out to be strong. After midnight going into day six, I awakened to that “sick” feeling in my stomach that I had experienced before. I got up and ran to the bathroom retching. I lay on floor and cried out to the Lord. He instructed me to take communion using red wine instead of juice. I commanded my body to come into alignment with the word of the Lord. I then was able to get to the kitchen and put communion together.

I took the items into the living room where I pray. I prayed and as I ate, my throat was so parched I choked down the bread. As I took the wine, I immediately felt strength enter my body. I laid before the Lord awhile and prayed for Terence. I then felt released to return to bed. When I awakened the next morning, I knew I had “broken through”. The Lord then instructed me to take communion in the same way in the evening of day six and seven.

Before bed that evening, I took communion again. In the same way, the bread tasted horrible as I choked it down. This time as I took the wine, it burned so painfully I could hardly swallow it. I asked the Lord what was going on and received no word, so I lay before him and continued in prayer for Terence.

The next morning on day seven, I had mentioned to my prayer partner about this disturbing occurrence and asked her to pray. During worship she leaned over to me and asked if I had ever been force fed as a child to which I instantly recalled a childhood memory of being left in my chair at the table until I ate everything on my plate. I began to weep. She spoke that perhaps my body was choking down the bread because of the memory of choking down food I could not stomach as a child.

That evening at home as I prepared to take communion, my prayer partner came to my door bringing organic fruit for me to break the fast with after midnight. I invited her to join me in communion and pray for Terence. As we prayed and partook of the bread, the most amazing thing happened. For the first time, it tasted wonderful and when I partook of the wine, I noticed there was no pain or burning of any kind in my throat.

My friend and I rejoiced together for the healing of the body and blood that covers all sin. And the Lord revealing/ healing a past hurt that was buried in my subconscious mind. We also rejoiced for the healing of Terence’s body.

For a short time, we share in the suffering and identify with Terence as we fast, but we also share in the healing and our spiritual senses are heightened as the flesh comes into submission to the Holy Spirit. May the grace of the Lord be poured out on every one of you who enter into this season of fast for our brother Terence and MAY THE GLORY OF THE LORD RISE AMOUNG US!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Word to declare for today

As God gives us words and scriptures to declare, please declare them out loud and release them into the atmosphere. 

John 14:19  "Because Jesus lives, Terence also will live!"


Mark 9:23, "Everything is possible for him who believes."

Jesus said this right before he delivered the boy of the deaf and mute spirit when the disciples couldn't do it. He explained to them that this kind only could come out by prayer and fasting.

In my personal life I've been pressing into God for breakthrough in a certain area.  The Lord told me, "I will heal you if you believe me for it."  I found myself praying like the father of the demon possessed boy in this scripture,  "Lord help me to believe." 
What does it mean to truly believe God for something?  As I've discussed this with Sherry, I'm learning that the size of our faith doesn't matter as much as the object of our faith.  We only need a little faith to move a mountain.  So instead of praying, "Lord, increase my faith," I've been praying, "Lord help me to truly see you and know who you really are, so that my belief is not based on a false perception you."

I've found that one good place to start is meditating on the testimonies of Jesus.  When has he really come through for me?  When has he come through for others? I don't believe God does miracles to simply wow and amaze us.  I believe in each testimony and miracle there's a lesson to learn about who he is, what is important to him, and who he's made us to be. As we begin to grasp this, we're going to have the platform from which we can declare those things that the Lord gives us to speak, and watch them come to pass. 

I release supernatural grace to believe over you today.  May you have more encounters with the very one who by his words brought into existence our lives and everything we see around us. 

Please feel free to share what God is showing you or words he's given you on this blog.  We desire that it be an open forum for all who are joining together for breakthrough for Terence (whether fasting or supporting someone in prayer who is fasting).  Each person carries an important piece and together we'll get the complete picture.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Today marks the beginning of week 2 of fasting

As you receive scriptures, promises or directives on how to pray please share them with us either by email or posting a comment on the blog.  This way everyone can stand and agree together as one! 

A word to declare!

Acts 10:38

 Cory has a word the Lord had given him for Terence. It is:

 "Jesus... went around doing good, healing
 all who were oppressed by the devil."

Thanks for Joing Only By Fasting!