Jesus Shows His power over death

Jesus Shows His power over death

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Dated Friday, Oct. 15th
Having completed 4 days of the fast and now moving into day 5, The over-arching theme that I have felt so far is "Peace." 
In the first couple of days, prayers that have gone out are: speaking praises to God and the general prayers for strength, courage, and faith to be over Terence, Sherry, and kids.  No hard core intercession.

In approaching the fast I was expecting to have times of rigorous, battle it out, long, extended intercession over Terence.  And although Terence has been on my mind hourly, throughout the last 4 days,  I have not felt lead to procede with prayers in such a manner. Therefore...

Some observations:
1. Peace is the opposite of war.
2. Did we fast to fight for Terence, or is the fight already done?  Was it completed in 6 weeks?
3. 7th day is the day of rest Ex. 20:8, 7th year is the year of rest for the land Lev. 25:3-4.  So is the 7th week of this fast a week of rest and peace in the spirit realm?


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