Jesus Shows His power over death

Jesus Shows His power over death

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Lately I've felt strongly it is important to remember the testimonies of God - what he has done and what he is doing right now. 

After Israel was released from slavery in Egypt they waundered through the desert and God did marvellous miracles, taking care of them.  But they quickly forgot these things and got discouraged and negative and they were destroyed in the desert.  But the second generation, God directed to set up memorial stones at the Jordan River as a reminder to remember and retell the mighty acts of God to the generations to come.

I find it significant that this is the main event that transitioned Israel from wandering in the desert to possessing their inheritance in the Promised Land.  The Lord clearly showed them how to position their focus in order to successfully take their inheritance. 

Revelation 19:10 - The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.  
When rehearse what God has done, it releases a supernatural power for that very thing to be repeated. 

The key to staying encouraged everyday is putting our attention on what God has done and is doing, not on what hasn't happened.  What we put our attention on is going to manifest.  When focus on what hasn't happened then we begin to get discouraged.  The enemy tries to distract us by getting us to focus on what hasn't happened because then we become immobilized and begin to create high and lofty thoughts that can end up spinning out of control. 

We need to remind ourselves of how he's healed us and delivered us, how he's provided for us in hard financial times, how he's protected us from the snare of the enemy, and how he's come through for us in different seasons.  God is faithful to keep his promises and will not abandon us. 

One good place to start is to learn from the testimonies of miracles in the Bible.  I've also found many healing testimonies on church websites and even surfing the internet.  As we listen to these testimonies, especially those where the Lord has healed cancer, lets keep them in the forefront of our minds while we pray for Terence.  Let's say, "Do it again, God!"


1 comment:

  1. It's exciting when the Lord confirms what you are hearing when another shares it. He has been reminding me also to remember what He has done for me in the past in order to strengthen my faith for todays challenges. It's also good to hear the testimony of others to strengthen our fait. I had cancer twice and the Lord has demonstrated His faithfulness every time. I have been healed of the first 22 years and the second 7 years. God is no respector of persons. What He will do for one, He will do for anyone who asks in fait. ONLY BELIEVE! Tonight I was praying with Donna. As she was asking for strengthening of Terence and filling him with the light of God's presence and joy, I saw the general form of his body. It was in the process of being shored up. Like cement walls are made stronger by adding wire meshing & rebar. I saw Terences' body being "shored"up by Holy Spirit and the life of Christ in his body.
