Jesus Shows His power over death

Jesus Shows His power over death

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The withered fig tree

Scriptures to declare outloud 

Re-post from Lisa, Saturday 10-09-10

Psalm 92:1,2  "It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night." Terence and Sherry I declare to you Gods love is a banner over you: "Beloved of God."   I anounce the Father's faithfullness to fullfill his promises to you. It is a fact that Jesus took your infirmities and diseases, carried your pains, sorrows, and sins and carried them to the cross. They were laid on Him by the whip with the stripes on His back as proof.   Therefore You are healed by His stripes. ( Is. 53: 4,5). I bless your spirit to receive His word of promise. You are made one with Jesus and the Father. His life flows in you. His annointing breaks every yoke. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you and gives life to your mortal body and destroys the cancer cells. (Rom. 8:11). 

     Just as Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered and died, in the name of Jesus I curse the cancer cells in your body and command them to wither and die. I curse the cancer DNA and RNA so you can not replicate or grow. I cut you off your blood supply with the sword of the Spirit so you will starve. I call you to dry up like the leaves  on the trees in the fall and fall off Terences body which is God's temple. 
Lord you are the God of new beginnings and you make all things new, I ask you to give Terence a brand new prostate and restore health to all the tissues damaged by it and the chemotherapy by your Word - your testimony, which is our testimony, by the blood of Jesus, and power of Holy Spirit so that all glory and honor goes to you. In Jesus name. Amen

first chemo and our prolamation

Terence made it through the night with NO nausea and minimal aches. Yesterday he was really tired and slept.He also started hallucinating (he was aware they were hallucinations)
Today, he's resting next to the fire place trying to overcome nausea and extreme fatigue.

This is our prayer and proclamation:
(please join us in it):
"Terence hopes (his expectations are in) in the LORD-
  His strength will be renewed,
Terence will soar on wings like eagles through chemo therapy,
He will run and not grow weary,
and he will walk and not be faint" 
(Isa 40:31) AMEN! :D
 P.S.  (Please ignore the dates on the right: they were from last year: I haven't had time to get in there and change them :)